"Spartans Trounce Green Bay, 19-0: Potsy Clark Uses Only 11 Men to Topple Green Bay Champions from Throne With a Smashing Victory of 19 to 0."

This file appears in: The Iron Man Game of 1932
"Spartans Trounce Green Bay, 19-0: Potsy Clark Uses Only 11 Men to Topple Green Bay Champions from Throne With a Smashing Victory of 19 to 0."

"A purple tornado, riding abreast a mile a minute gale of almost cyclonic fury swept out of the timbered hills of southern Ohio Sunday afternoon at Universal Stadium before a record concourse of 12,000 frenzied fans and blew the Wisconsin Green Bay packers far off the world's football throne. As the mighty Packers toppled from their lofty seat, the Spartans took their place, reaching the highest pinnacle the football world offers, after three years battling misfortune, disappointment, reverses, and great odds, pushing courageously and tenaciously onward to their current goal. Portsmouth's victory ensures the Spartans of at least a tie for first place."

This file appears in: The Iron Man Game of 1932